Welcome to the DeepLabCut Benchmark!

This page hosts the official DeepLabCut Benchmark.


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Model Dataset RMSE (assembly) RMSE (detections) mAP
- DLCRNet_ms4 (30k) TRI-MOUSE 3.55 3.567 0.932
- EfficientNet B7_s4 (30k) TRI-MOUSE 4.93 4.939 0.943
- ResNet50 (30k) TRI-MOUSE 3.97 4.216 0.928
- DLCRNet_ms4 (30k) PARENTING 9.85 10.026 0.629
- EfficientNet B7 (30k) PARENTING 10.24 8.611 0.627
- EfficientNet B7_s4 (30k) PARENTING 8.9 9.355 0.639
- DLCRNet (200k) MARMOSETS 8.1 5.828 0.883
- DLCRNet_ms4 (200k) MARMOSETS 7.56 5.265 0.895
- EfficientNet B7 (200k) MARMOSETS 7.27 5.688 0.888
- EfficientNet B7_s4 (200k) MARMOSETS 6.83 4.605 0.893
- DLCRNet_ms4 (30k) FISH 7.15 4.918 0.754
- EfficientNet B7_s4 (30k) FISH 6.85 4.463 0.753
- ResNet50_s4 (30k) FISH 7.03 4.36 0.741